Health Tips, Tricks & Articles

8 simple ways to get more exercise into your day

We share 8 simple ways to fit more exercise into your day

Everyone’s time is precious. And as a result exercise or fitness is usually the one thing that gets neglected as we “Simply don’t have time to do it!”

Well…no more excuses as we share 8 ways to cram exercise into your day:


Make exercise fun

If you’re trying to do something that you don’t enjoy…of course it’s going to be harder to stick to it or get motivated. So look for activities that you actually enjoy, whether that be Pilates, tap dancing, Boxing, Netball etc. Picking a workout that you actually enjoy will make a difference!

Add interval workouts

HIIT has been around for a while now and it’s a great way to maximize your time and burn more calories.

Try something new

Step outside your comfort zone and try something that a) you’ve never tried or b) always wanted to try. There are endless activities available now so avoid getting stuck in a rut of doing the same thing week in week out.

Keep costs down

Exercise should not be expensive. There are so many channels to access FREE workouts including YouTube and Social Media. There are also a number of cheaper “No Frills” gyms within the UK which offer all the equipment you need and often run daily classes.

Set yourself a goal

It’s far easier to stay motivated if you are working towards a goal. Set yourself a realistic goal within an achievable timescale. This could be anything from running a 5k to being able to do 20 press ups in one go. The sense of self achievement you will gain when you reach your goal will inspire you to set another!

There’s an App for everything

Apps can be brilliant for exercise as they offer a range of tools to help you reach your goals and keep you motivated. They can provide workouts, health information, interval timers and clock your progress. Do some research to find the one that suits you and give them a go.

Walk the dog

If you have a dog, take control of the dog walking instead of delegating to your family.

Explore your own town

Yes you read this right…there are probably plenty of low cost fitness activities on your door step that you weren’t even aware of. Research what’s around and available in your area…such as local halls / schools / parks / recreation fields etc.


For any help or advice please contact me directly 

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