Augmented Reality Postural Assessment

What does your posture say?

True Evidence Based A.I. Computer Vision Assisted Posture Analysis

Postural anomalies are widespread and are exhibited by people of all demographics. While commonly attributed to lack of physical activity, poor posture is especially prominent in individuals who spend long periods of time sitting at a desk or computer, as is necessary with many jobs in developed countries.

Detecting irregularities in posture is an important component in understanding sources of pain and limited movement, and for subsequently developing mitigation strategies such as corrective exercises.




Why might my posture change?

Posture changes can make it difficult to manage without help and support. Some reasons why your posture might change could be, Adopting poor habitual positions. Becoming older. An injury, disease or condition which affects the way your brain works. Born with a health condition or disability. You or someone you care for could be at risk of developing unwanted postural changes. However, it’s never too late to start doing something about it.


The symptoms of musculoskeletal conditions are not always visible, so employers might not know that an employee is having difficulties unless they say so. However there are ways to help ease or even prevent these MSK conditions that might cause absence. By examining a persons posture, we can take a look into current or even forecast some MSK issues.

Detailed assessments carried out by trained professional with all results explained to you and for any treatment plan or guidance you may need.



Benefits of Correct Posture

Reduced Risk of Injury

Proper posture can help you avoid injury, especially to your back, shoulders, arms, and wrists. One of the most common reasons people see a doctor or miss day soff work is back pain. It’s particularly important to have good standing posture, as standing for long periods of time is associated with short-term adverse health issues, such as back pain, fatigue, and leg cramps.

Increased Confidence

Many studies suggest correcting your posture can impact the way you feel about yourself.

Easier Breathing

When the body is aligned correctly, it’s easier to breathe. Slouching can reduce lung capacity, leading to shortness of breath.

Less Frequent Headaches

Bad posture creates tension in the upper back, neck, and shoulders, leading to headaches that manifest as throbbing pain in the base of the skull and sometimes the forehead. 

More Energy

Poor posture can negatively affect energy levels, resulting in fatigue.

Greater Self-Esteem and Better Mood

In addition to giving you more energy, better posture can also reduce depressive feelings and improve your self-esteem and mood.


Factors That Contribute Towards Poor Posture

  • Sedentary lifestyle

  • Poor ergonomic work station

  • Injury

  • Illness and certain conditions such as Parkinson's disease

  • Joint stiffness

  • Muscle weakness

  • Occupational demands

  • Low level of general fitness

  • Lack of awareness of correct posture

Mersea Road Clinic
Mersea Road Clinic

Common symptoms of poor posture

  • Rounded shoulders

  • Forward head posture

  • Hunchback

  • Slouching

  • Anterior pelvic tilt

  • Recurring headaches

  • Muscle fatigue

  • Back & neck pain

  • Potbelly

  • Poor sleep

  • Disrupted digestion

  • Poor circulation

  • Constricted Nerves

  • Poor core stability

  • Decreased fitness



Q: How long will each assessment take?

A: The initial standing Posture assessment will take between 30-45 minutes, additiaonal assessments may take longer. 


Q: Where will the assessments take place?

A: All the standing assessments and ROM assessments will be done at The Mersea road clinic, Corporate assessments can be carried out on site.


Q: Will I be expected to remove my clothes for the assessment?

A: No, we recommend either shorts and sports bra for females or tight clothing, preferably shorts and tight top. Males can either be just shorts or shorts and a tight top so we can still see skeletal land markings.


Q: Will I be allowed to see my results?

A: Yes, You do get to see them, be we also explain the results and can even provide you with a copy of them with the pictures too.


Q: What will happen with my pictures and results?

A: Your information will be attached to your patient profile, no information will ever be shared with a 3rd party without written consent. 


Q: What are benefits of these assessments?

A: Our posture and range of movement (ROM) assessments are a good indicator of past, current or potential MSK conditions that may occur due to the findings we observe.


Q: What do I do with my results if something is found in my assessment?

A: Our clinic hosts Osteopaths and Physiotherapists that are experts in the field of MSK, these professionals can treat and advise further on your treatment plan.


Q: Is the assessment safe if I have a medical condition or are pregnant?

A: The assessment is carried out using a camera and some high-tech software. This assessment is non invasive and has no contact on the skin nor does it give off any harmful rays. This is suitable for anyone who is able to stand or sit.